8 Business Books to Inspire the Entrepreneur Inside You

style bloggers books
As the sunshine finally returns to those of us who've been under a long winter, why don't you head outside to get some vitamin D with a book that will help you take your blog & business to the next level. These are a few of my favorite reads that will inspire, enlighten, empower and or educate you in approaching your blog like the small business it is & making the most of the opportunities it presents.

Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte: This book alone made the largest impact on launching my business & her concept of feelings over goals is something I use in my life almost daily.

Tribes by Seth Godin: As bloggers we’re first & foremost creating & leading communities on our blogs. Godin explains why the word needs more leaders of tribes, & why so few people are actually willing to step up to do so.

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg: As spread-thin bloggers, juggling day jobs or families & the overwhelm of running your own business — this book speaks to the challenges we face & gets you thinking about the best choices you can make for yourself.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek: Sinek is a great blend of science & data you can’t argue with, plus stories that make you want to go share what you’ve learned with everyone you know. He breaks down what makes successful brands long-lasting & how you can do the same for your business.

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield: A quick but inspiring read, Pressfield talks about the Resistance we all face as creatives & how to overcome it. Once he awakens you to it, you’ll be amazed how often you can identify it as the reason you’re dragging your feet with that post or deadline.

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss: There are some technical elements of this book you can skim over, but Ferriss’ focus on productivity, batching, how to hire & delegate is broken down step by step to truly help you craft your dream business. I find myself quoting this book to others all the time.

The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau: The term “entrepreneur” can encompass you & someone who had $1 million in venture capital behind them. Guillebeau focuses on people who didn’t have that financial backing, but started online businesses {low cost, like blogging} & turned them into successful full-time jobs.

Make Every Man Want You by Marie Forleo: On the surface this looks like a dating book, but as one of my favorite entrepreneurial coaches what Forleo does is give you the confidence & awareness to make your dreams happen. Definitely the most fun you’ll have reading a book that secretly helps you in business!

Have you read & can second my recommendation of one of these books? Have another favorite book on business you think is a must-read? Which of these will you commit to reading this spring?


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About The Author

Independent Fashion Bloggers (IFB) is a community of fashion bloggers who share their experiences and resources to build a better blog.

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9 Responses

  1. The Science of Happy

    I think now is a really hard time to become an entrepreneur, especially in England. Every day a long-standing business closes and files for bankruptcy. But with the right attitude and the right mind, it may open a huge number of doors for you and your future 🙂

    For those interested, I’m holding a MAC giveaway on Friday!


    • Hilary Rushford | Dean Street Society

      I think it depends what type of entrepreneur you’re thinking of becoming. Larger businesses often have larger overhead. They have more employees, pay benefits, rent physical space. But the ideas in the book $100 Start-Up are about those of us who’ve started businesses with very little expenses & therefore most of our income is indeed profit. I only started a business 18 months ago, but thus far I actually have more stability than a lot of my other friends who find themselves laid off from companies, not in control of their work-life. Whereas when I need more income, I can choose to do more marketing or create more products. I actually think this challenging economy is a huge reason TO become an entrepreneur, specifically in the solo-prener/$100 Start-Up way.

      with grace & gumption, Hilary

  2. Blog Earn Live

    I only read The 4 hour work week and the $100 startup. Both are really great and inspiring.
    I gotta find other books that you recommend. Reading doesn’t just inspire me but also gives me a lot of lessons.
    Thanks for sharing this great list!

    • Shop Love Struck

      I read “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey and found that extremely helpful in business as well as my personal life.
      I am looking into reading “Lean In” by Kerry Hannon and “Delivering Happines” by Tony Hsieh next. 🙂

  3. Bridget Lappert

    I really loved Simon Sinek’s book. I find myself reflecting on, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”, daily. Thanks for posting these others. I’ll read anything by Seth Godin. Love that guy.

    I recently read “Creative Intelligence” by Bruce Nussbaum. He can be pretty long winded but his main idea that everyone is a creative person, they just need to figure out how to harness their creative energies was incredibly freeing.


  4. Taila

    I think this post was excellent 🙂 , as I am always looking for new books to help me grow in blogging. I am currently reading “Starting on a shoestring-building a business without a bankroll” -Arnold S Goldstein , for those looking to start their own business (raises hand). SO far it is just what I need. 🙂

  5. Charlene

    Marie’s book is one of my favorites and is a must read for all women! I’m reading Undiet by Meghan Telpner now, which isn’t about business, but has me living so healthy that I have way more energy for my business. Up next is Tribes.

  6. Sandy Joe

    Looking forward to reading these books.

    My recommendation is ‘No Man’s Land’ by Doug Tatum.
    “What to Do When your Company Is Too Big to Be Small but Too Small to Be Big”

  7. Carley Baker

    I read The Fire Starter Sessions on your recommendation and it was excellent. Thank you so much. If I could make a recommendation of my own I would suggest What’s Next by Joy Chudacoff. For women striving to achieve their goals in business or searching for new direction this is a must-read and beautifully written. http://whatsnextthebook.com/
