Is Fashion Blogging Broken? 5 Issues Hurting Bloggers

thoughtful fashion blogger
It surprises me whenever I hear an authority in the fashion blogging community say things like,

“The bubble has burst.”

“Things have changed so much, and it just doesn't work anymore.”

“The fashion blogging community has died… four years ago I didn't think it would be like this, and I'm not sure what can be ahead.”

The tone in fashion blogging has greatly changed, and those who have been blogging for many years are feeling the pressure.  Each week I read another blogger's confession: the depression and anxiety as a result of trying to juggle it all; feeling a pressure to whitewash their opinions, attitude, and outlook so that they're more appealing to readers and advertisers; an increased need to “keep up with the Joneses,” and the mounting fears of internet backlash.

It's easy for people to see blogging as this mystical, magical thing: free shoes, events, taking photos, and eating macarons.  The fact is, it's far from it–  but those are the only  parts we show our readers.  With so many bloggers speaking out about the hardships that have come alongside blogging full-time and maintaining lives, I've noticed a few areas that contribute to “breaking” the community.  Understanding those problems and how they impact our own lives and sites can help prevent them from hurting us (and help strengthen the community as a whole).

Problems “Breaking” Fashion Blogging:

Silencing our voices & opinions to attract greater readership and build brand relationships.

This has been a double edged sword for many bloggers. On one hand, we receive backlash when we lose our voice or water it down to appeal to the greatest number of people.  But, on the other hand, when we become more vulnerable we give our critics more ammunition and leverage against us.  There's a fine balance between to be found, and unfortunately many of us are swinging the direction of losing our voice.

Unrealistic expectations — whether from what we can accomplish in each day to the ROI on a brand campaign.

Whether you think you should have thousands of views each day just for blogging, that you can manage a full-time job, a family, and full-time blogging with ease, or that you will magically convert each post into hundreds of sales… we've got to stop projecting that the blogger's life is easy.  These goals are attainable, but not easily.  Projecting the idea that these can be accomplished quickly and easily is unrealistic, and we need to stop projecting that image to our fellow bloggers and readers.

Over-saturation of the market.

Just like in housing, too many fashion bloggers has helped the “bubble burst.” This isn't to say there isn't room for everyone in fashion blogging– I believe that there is.  But the field has become filled with too many bloggers who dress the same,  share the same seasonal posts and runway reviews.  It becomes difficult to tell one blogger from the next.  You are an individual with unique ideas, observations, and style.  Stop reading and emulating other fashion blogs– focus on what YOU love and what inspires you. Cultivate your own voice and find empowerment in it.

Pressure to keep up the “image.”

 As a blogger who strives to keep financially fit, I always worry about the pressures fashion bloggers face to keep up with an image.  For every budget or thrifty blogger, there is another who may be accumulating mountains of debt to constantly acquire new items. It's just blogging.  You don't have to own the hot new “It” bag or 12 shades of the newest Chanel lipstick to be a legitimate fashion blogger or keep your community engaged.  If you can afford it? Awesome.  If you can't? Don't feel pressured to keep up.

A weakened community.

I speak a lot on IFB about how the community has changed over the years. Fashion blogging is more innovative, creative, and independent when the community on a whole is supportive of one another and strong.  Instead of seeing other bloggers as tools to promote yourself, think of how you can promote them.  Instead of seeing others a competition, believe they're your allies. When we see our fellow bloggers as a means to an end, it means that brands can see us this way.  When we try to undercut one another, it means that brands can.  The stronger we are, the stronger our sites become, and the stronger the community becomes.

Many of these qualities have created a vastly different community and blogging experience compared to blogging 2, 4, or 6 years ago.  As the community and atmosphere of blogging changes (and so quickly), we may see more bloggers writing posts about how blogging has taken its toll on their health, emotions, and personal lives.  Blogging is a wonderful outlet– for our creativity, to find community, and learn more about ourselves.  But at the end of the day, we shouldn't sacrifice ourselves for the sake of the internet.

What are some of the issues you have seen, or felt, that make you feel that blogging is “broken”?  What do you believe can help bloggers find a better relationship with blogging and their readers?

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44 Responses

  1. atleast

    Firstly: thanks for this wonderful article! I think I can relate to all of your thoughts.
    I started blogging about nine months ago and ever since I try to keep my content somehow distinct from other blogs, which is pretty hard. I say this, because I really feel that there is too much sameness and when I visit my favorite blogs I don’t want to see everybody wearing the same, because I like these bloggers for their personal styles, so why should my readers want to see me doing what everybody else does?
    I’m also having a tough time building up relationships with other bloggers (although IFB is a help in that ;)) because it is -as you say- mainly about promoting yourself. So I guess people are right when saying that the sense of community is somehow lost. Sadly enough 🙁

  2. Nick

    I’ve only been blogging for a little over half a year but I admit that the pressure to stay new and relevant gets to me sometimes. It’s sad to hear that our voices are being diluted but I still believe in the power of blogging as a way to express our individuality. We just need to remember what makes us different and simply be ourselves!

  3. roxy

    Awesome article, I agree with everything you’ve said. I have been blogging for about 6 years now both for myself and on brand blogs for clients of mine. Whenever the pressure starts to hit I remember that this is all supposed to be fun. So what if I post an ugly photo of myself? Laugh at it. Who cares if a post makes money or not? I enjoyed writing it. Can’t afford the latest trendy item? That’s OK, there’s something more me out there.

    One thing that does scare me that you hit upon is the growing amount of debt I imagine bloggers are accruing and from the other side the increasing hate from outside the blogging bubble. I see both sides here. Putting yourself on a public forum certainly opens yourself to scrutiny. But the discussions I’ve seen often cross the line into personal territory about a blogger’s personal life — perhaps where they work, their annual salary, information about their family and where they live, or the worst, how a person physically looks — and sometimes I see threats to contact a person’s employer or partners based on something they’ve said on their blog! The haterade just blows my mind. Critique the clothing all you want, judge the photography if you need to. Leave the personal stuff out of it. And from our side as bloggers it’s important that we keep it real. Wasn’t that the whole point of the Wild West? Why spend yourself into lifelong debt for three OOTD posts and an item you’ll discard/not like anymore after three wears? I’ve done it, I know the feeling all too well. I know one of my affiliate programs is constantly pushing me to do more, more, more. I politely push back and say, “I’m content where I am, thanks.”

    I completely agree that there’s more than enough room in the Internet for as many fashion bloggers as want to be here. I’m constantly discovering new people whose outfits I love, or whose writing I really enjoy. And I try to tell those people directly whenever I can via a comment or email. When I don’t hear back it’s always a little sad because I feel like it’s an opportunity lost to make a bloggie friend. But when I do hear back it’s wonderful and has kindled many offline friendships for me. Though I am competitive by nature I see other bloggers as inspiration, not as competition. It might be Pollyanna of me but I hope we can all do the same.

  4. Asia Mays

    Ashley, what I appreciate most about this post, is that you have identified and spoken on key pieces of what has made us bloggers to begin with:
    -our voice.
    I will agree to the point of over saturation as well as a water downed sense of self because we see others coming up and we haven’t exactly “broken the mold” in our own right. WHERE is the difference and MUST we keep up with Jones’?
    YES to the observations and your view points. Great article.

  5. Renee | Beauty Fool

    Ashe, amazing article. I would comment on all your points but I might be here all day, haha! So I’ll just comment in general.

    I have heard talk on the the blogging “bubble” breaking and I notice it a little in blogs overseas (as in, US and UK), but I still see it going very strong in other places; Europe and Asia in particular. I can speak for Singapore, where I live, and I think brands are only know really realizing how important blogs are, so I see blogging opportunities pretty much everywhere. As a social media consultant, all I ever hear from a client is “so which blogger should I engage?”… I guess we’re a few years behind?!

    x Renee

  6. Krystal

    Once again Ashe, you have spoken true words about the blogging community! Its amazing how many people out there always want to break people down in terms of their goals and aspirations. Last week I presented my blog to the director of my program in school as my final thesis project. Their advice was to focus on editorial content, hire a team of employees so I don’t have to do anything but write, and (most disheartening) stop trying to monetize and grow because no one can do that. I was in tears by the end of my presentation and am thinking about leaving the school…because who says that to a student. To a student who hopes to accomplish realistic goals?
    I try to remain positive in the face of all of those who think I will never accomplish my goals. These issues facing fashion bloggers can be overcome if we build a stronger community and try to stick together. There will always be people who think everything is impossible…but if we strengthen the community we can show them that nothing is impossible. My blog is only three months old and so far I have had comments that compliment my writing, my voice, my clothes (which are items that were already in my closet), and my honesty. Those comments are what help me to push on!

  7. Lexi

    I can tell when other bloggers only see interacting with me as a means to promote themselves and it turns me off to them instantly. It’s difficult to make genuine blogging friends lately.

    • Julie

      Agreed, and I refrain from commenting on blogs often because I’m afraid they’re going to think I’m just trying to get exposure. I started a little blog this year because it gives me a creative outlet and as long as I remember why I started it, not getting comments or likes doesn’t affect the joy it brings me.

  8. Natasha

    Great article.

    I think that one big issue that many bloggers have (and that you touched on) is understanding what the goals/desired outcomes of blogging are. If you go into starting and maintaining a fashion blog – but you don’t outline any goals or objectives – you’ll always just be working towards an endless light; or worse – comparing your success to that of others.

    My blog is a place where I can truly be myself. I’ve experience moderate success – I normally get invited to events and receive free products. However I don’t compromise. Everything I promote on my blog has been tried and loved – and advertisers/partners know if I don’t like the product after receiving it – I won’t post about it.

    I think being genuine in your blogging is so important. Figure out what your goals are – to make money, to have a creative outlet, to make connections, to attend events, etc – then make an action plan to get there. Just don’t make changing who you are part of the plan 🙂


  9. Megan @ Lush to Blush

    I think the blogging community has changed. I love reading blogs and commenting with my opinion. When I first started blogging (about a year and a half ago), I felt like I built true friendships with fellow bloggers, but now it seems like everyone is just out for themselves. It’s sad, but I hope it changes because I plan to be a part of this community for a long time!

    Megan, LushtoBlush.com

  10. Paulina

    Great post! I started my blog out of genuine interest and as a way to be creative so I appreciate other bloggers out there. I think there is space for us all, however I would be concerned for those who’s end-game is to make money/ career from their blog because for them I think the field would be considered over-saturated and competitive. I’m not too concerned about a “fashion blogging bubble” because even if it burst, (there’s no more freebies, etc) I would still be blogging my little heart out- it’s my passion!

    I also like that you touched on the financial aspect- I’m a working girl with a mortgage, a car payment, etc. I admire the fancy items on other bloggers (and maybe drool) but I know I wouldn’t spend that $ on a purse or shoes (that I’ll wear out because I drag my heels). Keeping my clothing budget cost-efficient forces me to be creative and also be good at sales!

  11. choolee

    well, now am blogging since middle of january so half a year. and i totally agree with everything you just wrote in this post. and it makes me sad. all the big bloggers are at ther goal and it seems that no1 else can reach almost a part of what they got…. i am working 40+h a week in a hospital and i am blogging daily. its super hard and super stressful but i will never give up and i will try my best every single day to impress the 380 readers i have!
    i love them, every single one. and thats why i am blogging, becouse i can see the kind words from all the other insired young girls out there. well and becouse of the community, IFB helps me a lot. i love your side and i read every single new artikel!!! thynk you for all the help and the bracing words <3


  12. Lauren A

    It seems incredibly rude when all blogger want is to promote and not make friends or even be friendly. A few weeks ago I came across a blog with a blog swap that was only for bloggers with at least 500+ followers! I was baffled! What happened to helping other less fortunate than you?

  13. Erica Rae

    I agree whole heartedly with many of these points, especially the point about watering down our voices in order to attract a greater readership. I had a post written for my blog about that very issue, but still had yet to post it. Inspired by this article, I’m posting it today!


  14. nitika

    I soooo agree with all the points mentioned above, especially the last. Lately, all the bloggers have started competing with each other – who gets more followers/ who gets more Features in a magazine / who gets more brand sponsorships and soo on!
    The essence of Personal Style and healthy blogging has lost somewhere. Moreover, the wannabe Fashion Bloggers who have started blogging just to get freebies has also disturbed the blogging scene.
    I wish more of us stick to Personal style rather than following the race and keep a unity among ourselves. If this is done, there won’t be any rivalry and even brands will value each of us.

  15. Mary Hannah

    I’m thrilled and thankful that you’ve written this article, touching on some of my concerns as a new fashion blogger. I started my blog (primarily fashion with some gluten free recipes and DIY projects) in September 2012, and I am having rather a hard time connecting with other bloggers. I was hoping to build a solid online community, but I’m coming up dry.

    Also, I’ve stumbled across countless blogs, as you mentioned above, that post the same outfits, trend reports, etc. With everyone looking the same, I’m doubting my own uniqueness as a fashion blogger. Do you have any blogging tips for me, or should I give up my wishful endeavors?

  16. Gloryvee Bruno

    Great article! BTW

    I have had my blog for about a year and a half, and lately what I notice is; yes there are thousands of different blogs out there with completely different niches, but again the one’s who do get most of the press, the one’s who do get the best seats at fashion week, the major collabs etc…, are sad to say all doing the same things just posting OOTD’s, Thats it.

    I feel that the blogging community has so much potential and it would be nice for the blog’s who just don’t post OOTD’s with the latest trend in hand to get noticed as well!

    Just my two cents on the subject.

  17. CynthiaCM

    Truth: I’ve been blogging A LOT longer than many of the “it” girls in my city. However, I feel like they get much more press, namely because they are always so positive and seem to border on rehashing press releases than give their honest opinion. They’re also more likely to post personal outfit pics (I guess that gets you more sponsored posts). This leads to more invitations, more likely to get “good seats” at bigger shows, etc…I’m often limited to unnamed, nosebleed seats unless it’s a smaller production and I find it highly unfair. It’s not about how attractive one is, appearance-wise. It’s not about being tall, blonde and thin. I know plenty of darker-haired, more petite (and/or fuller-figured) women who are getting more press than I am. It really bugs. Do people have issues with sites like mine? As in they don’t know where to place me because I’m not just about fashion and don’t often post personal outfit photos?

    • Bike Pretty

      Hi Cynthia, after reading your comment, I checked out your site. One thing jumped out: I have no idea what your site focuses on. You seem to have a lot of different verticals, but nothing specific tying it together. As a brand, I would be unsure about how I fit in with your blog.
      Also, you mentioned personal style posts. When a fashion blogger includes a personal outfit post, I find it much easier to trust their point of view. It means that they are publicly advocating whatever POV they express on the blog. And trust is key.

      • CynthiaCM

        We’re “lifestyle” – and food, fashion, arts and culture. That’s why the slogan is “Delectably DELICIOUS, STYLISHLY Chic.” I guess people still have a hard time figuring it out, huh?

        It’s interesting: I would have thought my post about tall, skinny models used in beauty demos would have garnered some comments rather than just likes and retweets.

  18. FripperyVintage

    Does anyone know if there will be an IFB conf in September?


  19. christine

    Great Article! I’ve been blogging for about 9 months now and I sometimes feel pressured to keep up oftentimes buying new pieces for style post that ends up hurting me financially in the end. I also feel isolated within the blogosphere at times, I hope there is a breakthrough in the fashion blogging community soon


  20. Andrea

    I’m not a fashion blogger but I read a lot of them and one thing I have noticed is how new bloggers just seem intent on building their brand immediately by being super positive and pretty much copying the voice of more popular people. Then as they develop their own voice (assuming they do) they end up having to rebrand because it doesn’t match their initial guess. I think it’s stronger if you evolve your brand a bit more slowly — getting to blog professionally is pretty rare so do it for love and not money.

  21. La Gamine

    Great post! I think you hit so many points on the head including the over-saturation of the market and keeping up with the Joneses–BTW I would love to know how girls manage Alex Wang bags, Cartier bracelets and Jimmy Choo on a “blog” salary, I work in fashion and it’s a hustle to just buy new clothes at wholesale prices sometimes. I started blogging about 3-4 years ago and can say the landscape has definitely changed. The biggest issue I’ve seen from bloggers is a sense of entitlement. I’ve seen girls act as though they are celebs with a “you don’t know who I am?” attitude or demanding freebies for reviews–I’m sorry but even editors at nationally circulated glossies have to return press samples here and there. Honestly, this kind of behavior makes it twenty times harder for those of us who are genuinely grateful to stand at fashion shows.

    I started blogging as an intern at a fashion magazine, the economy was sucky and I used it as a creative outlet and a way to showcase my talents in case some editor stumbled upon it. From keeping a focus on what I know and love–which is fashion and lifestyle content–I was able to flip into freelance writing which was always my end game. Now I do brand consulting with emerging designers, building on my skills as a blogger and my steady 9-5’s in the industry. I say stay humble, true to you and figure out why you’re doing it. At the end of the day it’s all about loving what you do. As cliche as it sounds you really have to be willing to work for free, and hold down a j-o-b, since most bloggers do.


    • CynthiaCM

      Trust funds, wealthy boyfriends/husbands, or of course, the good old fashioned well-paying job. Not all bloggers blog full time, nor are all of them in the PR/fashion industries. Someone in her late 20s who works in finance could very well be making six figures.

  22. Nádia Sepúlveda

    Hi, IFB, thanks for that awesome article! I can totally relate to it, especially the last part!

    I’ve been blogging for 3 years now, and I’ve progressively taken the blog more seriously…it’s still a hobby, but of VERY high maintenance. I blog everyday and I try to post distinguished and useful content, and luckily I feel successful, my readers are growing, so as the visits, and I take great pleasure with it. I’ve been monetizing it a bit too, and I have some sponsors, so everything’s going fine.

    But sometimes I feel like I get ADDICTED to my blog…I hardly pass a day without a post, I spend a LOT OF HOURS working for it, writing posts, taking pictures…sometimes it gets so consuming… It’s just and hobby, and I have family, friends and a degree in medicine to finish…but I just can’t let it go! And sometimes I fear I might be working too hard on it, when I reach a new number of hits or followers, I keep craving for more, when I wear an outfit everyone loves and thinks it’s my best ever, I go and try to do better…

    In the end of the day, I am PLEASED with my blog and the results and interaction it brings…but I feel like I should be less stressed about it…or at least have more “me” time – which is quite difficult right now!

    As for the future of blogging, here in Portugal things are still developing…and hopefully there’s still be room for bloggers! Let’s see how it works!


  23. Dunia

    I feel like that the fashion blogging industry can be compared to the YouTube industry. A lot of people try to break through in that community but it still isn’t breaking down. Yes some video styles gets overused and therefore doesn’t get any appreciation. The same goes for blogging. We need to be more risky and don’t go for the stereotypes 🙂


  24. Miss City Chic

    I completely agree with these especially the over-saturation of the market. There are soooo many fashion blogs which makes it that much harder to stand out.

  25. Dania whyte

    Great article as always, and though as always you raise true and valid eye opening points, i would be lying if i said sometimes they can be daunting and discouraging especially for a new blogger. But these articles always open my eyes a bit further and send me back to the drawing board

    Atyle n love, jamaica

  26. Paula Shoe Fiend

    I had an opnion and then I read all the comments and forgot what I wanted to say…
    Oh yeah – over saturation happens in all consumer markets – and blogging is for better or worse a consumer product – you just have to stand out amongst the others or diversify. Look at Leandra Medine of Manrepeller – the most famous blogger I can think of – she now posts editorial about issues facing her generation and has guests write posts for her blog, she only does a OOTD post once a week if that.
    Personally I’ve never been about the outfit post – everyone has some Zara, H&M and Insert-chain-store-here in their wardrobe – I know how to wear the blazer I bought. I follow blogs that have something unique to say and who have a report with their followers. As for my blog I always try to return comments and visits (unless they didn’t even try to comprehend my post and just left a bunch of spammy links ((sometimes I even visit those though!)) and if I genuinely like a blog I will follow it and make a habit of leaving genuine feedback – not just “Cute” or “Nice” (SERIOUSLY PEOPLE!!?)
    Having said ALL of that (waffle on Paula) I don’t ever see myself monetising my blog (something IFB seems to focus on – which is cool) after 9 months I’m pretty comfy to just cruise and keep this a hobby.
    OH – and the thing I wanted to say before I got carried away – I HATE it when all the blogs I read SUDDENLY ALL blog about some online store, for example #clearsthroat; Sheinside?!!? Firmoo!!? I understand these stores want to appeal to online markets but when 5 blogs I follow all ape THE SAME site I rebel against it (I see it as a form of spam really) and I seriously wont buy anything from them.
    Ok, rant over.

    ♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.

    • Shaqinah Fakar

      Tell me about it! You’re absolutely spot-on… I can’t stand “nice”, “cute” replies either!! Go the extra mile and add “very” while you’re at it (ceremonious comments), why don’t you?

  27. Style is...

    I have been blogging for about 6 years and whilst I feel like everything has changed, I am not sure whether it is broken. I think that many people have developed their blogs into some kind of business (as I have) which then kind of changes the dynamics a bit. Also commenting seems to be much less popular and bloggers seems to communicate more through Facebook and Twitter. Obviously with so many more bloggers around these days, it is getting more difficult to make your mark, but trying to do something a little different will help to make more creative and interesting blogs. I think the blogging industry is constantly maturing, developing and changing but not sure that it is all bad.

  28. Shaqinah Fakar

    Thank you for this great article! Having just started on IFB about three days ago, I was really excited that such a network existed – I chanced upon this site while I was googling for a good camera to use for blogging. I was slightly overwhelmed by the onslaught of requests and messages, but nonetheless, welcomed them as I am trying to build up my blog network after all. I went through the messages and checked out their respective websites – if I liked it, I’d follow on bloglovin’. Soon after, I realized that despite receiving replies like “love your blog!” “great blog!” quite a handful (well, more than a handful actually) didn’t even go to my blog. It sounds a little petty (and naive), but I guess I should’ve known that the (slightly) annoying “follow for follow”-fad has crept its way into this network. I don’t especially hate it, but I’d much rather be connected with people who care more for content than blind statistics (read: quality over quantity). My blog just went live a few days ago (after having worked on it for a couple of months) so I was really hoping to get views and suggestions.
    That said, I have met a few wonderful (and sincere!!) people on this site, and I am truly grateful for that. I am really just a newbie in this industry so I guess I still have a lot to learn – which is why the ‘Blogging Tips’ tab is my go-to guide.

  29. Nancie

    I’ve been going through this for the last two years and I had no idea until the other day…I even wrote it on my blog. I have been struggling with silencing my opinions and voice i order to attract more brands…I’m always neutral on everything. This came at the right time. Amazing article.

  30. Amy

    Thank you for post, it’s nice to have someone say what so many are thinking and to address this issue. I am personally new to the blogging scene and have been trying to find my own voice and in doing so have contacted many many fellow blogger both big and small in the hope for an interview as I travel the world and want to get local bloggers involved in a small way.. Anyway point being that I have been deeply disappointed in the response or lack there of from fellow bloggers. I have tried many different approach and I just feel the lack of support from fellow bloggers.. I believe together we can be strong introducing our readers to someone new and interesting… This is why I love ifB 🙂 lets hope it changes.. And we remember why we started this:) x

  31. Liz

    I literally JUST started my millionth blog. I always start a blog about me finding my own style and taking care of myself both physically and financially thinking that maybe someone would read it and find some advice in my experiences. Sadly, time and time again I find myself letting go of my blogs and I feel a lot of it has to do with the fact that I know it doesn’t stand out. I would have to say I agree with the statement that the “market is flooded” so to speak. Most of the fashion blogs I’ve seen are cookie-cutter images of one another. Who knows, maybe mine will be too when it gets more fleshed out, but at the moment, I hope that it will form its own voice. People, STOP BEING SO AFRAID TO SAY WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND! Create your own voice, your own style….the only reason anyone follows any trend anyway is because everyone else is doing it. So make your own trend.

    • laura

      Hi Liz I agree in your points and also totally relate so much about this
      this is my trillion project i’ve made: http://loveufashion.wordpress.com/

  32. Stephanie Dawn Sjoberg

    Amazingly true and realistic view of blogging. It’s HARD! It’s time consuming! And the added pressure from other bloggers to promote THEM instead of “how can we cross promote” is an added stress. (Constantly getting messages from people who want you to follow their blog BEFORE they even bother to follow or check out YOURS…is just plain ignorant, rude and self serving. The real deal…is that we want real viewers. (If we were all magazines…we do not want only other magazines to read us, right?) I’ve only got one other blog I’ve partnered with so far, and that’s been nice.
    I decided to just be myself, and not be so neutral on issues I am passionate about, (such as relationships) and just come what may. I will build a post around a fabulous Forever 21 disk skirt that I got on sale for $11.99 if I feel it’s interesting, most people do not need to be spending $300 a week on clothing, so I decided to get creative on the price points and mix cheap with chic and hope people like my ideas. Whatever happens, happens but I decided to be my true self until the bitter end! LOL!

  33. Ana Volta

    I have been blogging for about +4 years, and it´s not easy, even in México, where fashion bloggin just started (well like 3 1/2 years ago).

    The thing here is, that there´re to many rising blogs, and frew brands that have trust on this kind of advertising, so everybody wants to be hot, and to be “it” so… We, everybody write, do, and go to the same stuff, so we have almost the same result.

    Are we doing cool stuff? NO. So, i just stopped blogging and right away finding the way to a new blogging-stalking-promoting era.


  34. Andrea Altahona Corvacho

    I am blogger for 2 years, but certainly the boom blogger in my country Colombia, happened last year. As a result of the boom of opinion blogger in my country, I could interact virtually with many of them (mostly) and created a community. We support it because everyone has a different approach to fashion.

  35. Eshna

    I have been blogging for about a year and a half. And I believe fashion is a very large area. I mean beauty,personal style,runway trends etc. And hence there are blogs with different themes. So I find it really difficult to understand why anyone would be against Outfit Posts. Outfit Posts demand a lot of hard work,mine is a tropical country,me and my photographer(my sister) sweat like pigs while doing a shoot. And yes after a point I feel like its taking too much of my time. But honestly my readers prefer OOTD’s over SS’13 post etc.

  36. Miradactiva

    Great post! I started blogging 5 years ago, with my average camera walking up and down Buenos Aires streets looking for indie design expresions and things that really seemed appealing to me. It was a way to expose my mind to people and it opened great doors to me but none of them offered money to pay my bills.
    I felt the presure of local comunity, I started attending to events and had no money to stay in the fashionable blogging way of dressing and to be honest I started to feel I was loosing my true sight. Because of these two factors I quit and now I’m comming back just because I missed it and I’m realizing how different is everything. Feels like bloggers turned into little “indie” sponsored fashion magazines.

  37. Claudia

    Thanks for this article. I found it very helpful to see what this world is becoming, and using it as sort if an outline of what not to turn into. I just started blogging about a month ago, and I find it fun and a great way to say what is on my mind and show off my fashion. I yet to have followers/comments/whatever, but I figure that it will grow in time as I learn how to blog more efficently. I don’t want loose myself or my style in the process. Thanks again for the article, I got alot from it.

  38. Andy Z

    I agree. The fashion blogging arena is saturated and it’s very competitive, but if you keep up you good work, it’s gonna be ok. http://www.fashiongiver.com
