24 Fashion Blogging Lessons From Animated GIFs

What can you learn from animated GIFs? Plenty!


1. Get right to the point.

 channel platter (source)

2. Have fun with other bloggers. male models


3. Don't waste your time judging other bloggers. eyes rolling


4. Even if you're addressing tough topics, always make a great presentation. girl applying lipstick


5. If everyone is doing the same thing, find a way to stand out. girl spinning across


6. Don't stress out about your blog. blue eyes girl


7. Approach your blog like you would if it were art. Push it as far as you can.  people in street


8. Never rest on your laurels. girls on slides


9. Throw caution to the wind every now and then. throwing scarf


10. Be patient, it takes everyone a long time to build a successful blog.boy sulking


11. Always say “Thanks,” to those who supported you.

air kiss


12. Be confident. Write confidently.girl hair flip


13. If you work hard enough, you will be a pro at blogging. six shooter girl


14. Fashion shows aren't necessary for success, but they're still something to get all giddy about.front row audience


15. Be careful of who & what you mouth off about. mouthy character


16. Don't be afraid to say “No.” miranda madam


17. Always have a fashion hero.beyonce would wear


18. Don't just write for your readers… Amaze them. audrey eyes glasses


19. Get creative with your brand partnerships.

coke out belly


20. Be fabulous. Even when you're not doing fabulous things. lady black dressed


21. Write as if you're sharing a well-kept secret with your readers.sharing well kept secret


22. Don't worry about negative comments. proud black man


23. Don't let your success get to your head. (It's just blogging after all.)telling bad attitude


24. Keep your child-like enthusiasm!fashion kid


What lessons have you learned from animated GIFs?

Oh yeah, that IS a serious question! For real!

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30 Responses

  1. Style Context

    Love these. A lot of these lessons were told by bloggers at the LuckyFABB conference, but they are so much more interesting when told through GIFs.


  2. Closet Confections

    Great roundup, but I especially love #3, 5, 10 and 20!


  3. SassyShoeGal

    It’s been awhile since I’ve been active on IFB and I’ve noticed a truly new approach to the site. But this has definitely helped me approach my fashion blog which is totally different from my business blog. I appreciate the tips and can’t wait to get back to writing.

    Thanks again

  4. Monika Faulkner

    This is so perfect…inspiration and entertainment, all rolled into one!! Thank you for sharing your words (and gifs!) of wisdom; I am happy to report that I appear to be on the right track!!

  5. Zunera Serena

    I think if I had to sum all this up in one sentence it would be; “Be confident, Original and Grateful.” I have a relatively new blog. It is a fashion blog along with a peek into my world, my travels, life with my familia and my thoughts and take on women’s issues and it will always be that way.
    Love the animated Gif’s and the post 🙂

  6. Joe

    For a fashion blogger beginner like me, this is a bible!!!
    The point eleven is the best one!
    so…. THANK YOU

  7. Onianwah

    Love these and thanks so much for these reminders.

    Lagos, Nigeria

  8. E-M

    I think this should be like the bible for fashion bloggers! It gave me so many ideas and motivation, thank you! 🙂


  9. Gritstyle

    Just took a screenshot of this to keep it handy, great tips! Must work on amazing readers…

  10. Janae Bryson

    I agree that other bloggers are your friends! Dont bad mouth them because we all have something in common. Patience is key! And always amaze! Great post. And super cute GIFs

  11. Marquise C Brown

    These tips are extremely helpful and entertaining. Along with the tips, taking a screenshot of them is a really good idea too! Thank you!!


  12. The Alternatist

    Hi Jennine!
    These tips are great, thank you for using one of my gifs!
    xx 🙂

  13. Dog Games

    Thanks for sharing. I hope it will be helpful for too many people that are searching for this topic.
