Comments on: How Many QUALITY Posts Can You Write Per Day? Per Week? Independent Fashion Bloggers Wed, 14 Feb 2024 10:30:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: P Wed, 19 Aug 2020 08:31:29 +0000 In reply to Leo Sigh.

I find that hard to believe. I’ve been writing for over a decade. I can write 10,000 words a day, if I push really hard. But then I’m tuckered out for a week. I don’t think it’s possible to write more than 2-3k words of quality content daily, day in and day out. And you need restful weekend breaks. It’s much like being a professional athlete.
I’d love to take a look at your posts. I’m curious about how much research you’ve put in and how accessible they are.

By: Runyararo Ndudzo Sun, 09 Dec 2018 09:05:29 +0000 Most of the times I produce around 6 posts a week however I feel like I can do more. The only problem is sometimes I don’t take it seriously because I’m not making any bucks off the three blogs I run.

By: LiftMyEnergy Sun, 12 Apr 2015 00:48:37 +0000 The target is to write 1 blog post per day. Too early to do some A/B testing on frequency, timing and topics, but that’s the next target.

By: Adeel Sun, 01 Mar 2015 15:41:35 +0000 I post three posts per week. But in order to get more visitors, you have to share your posts and get targetted do follow PR9,PR8,PR7,PR6 backlinks. Only posting will not going to help

By: Melody Sours Fri, 14 Nov 2014 20:17:27 +0000 I’m a fashion blogger so I usually write 2 posts per week that pertain to my outfits. I try to go a little deeper than the typical “what I’m wearing” dialogue and tap into why I wore it. This includes how I’m feeling that day, what areas I’m trying to highlight-mask or even the weather.
I’ll also post a “Needing Now” post once a week that just provides coveted items and links.
I like to keep my posts as authentic as possible and for ME writing more than I do might feel forced.


By: Leo Sigh Sun, 02 Nov 2014 04:57:06 +0000 LOL, six posts a day???? Most successful bloggers post far more than that. I’ve been writing more than 25 blog posts a day across a variety of blogs, as well as for clients, for more than 10 years. If you’re a writer, you don’t ‘burn out’. If you’re a blogger, yeah, you probably do as writing isn’t really your forte.

By: Esther Thu, 30 Oct 2014 10:15:30 +0000 I have two blogs;one for my small business and a personal one . I’ve found that it’s so much easier for me to write 3 times a week on my personal that it is to writes for my business blog . I enjoy my personal blog, all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle and have at least one blog post for each of those categories . I have a schedule for posting and find that it works well for me even with a full time job. Still working out a few things with my site and eventually will work out all the kinks . I am however very active on social media for my blog and find that I get a lot of interaction through FB and Instagram which also leads to more traffic on my blog.

By: Magda Wed, 29 Oct 2014 13:52:13 +0000 I try to post at least 3 times a week, however, my posting frequency sometimes comes down because of my daily job. I guess 3 post are not too many but I treat the blogging more as a hobby rather than a main source of income. I also believe that quality matters more than quantity and thus, I can’t even imagine coming up with a few high-quality posts a day:)

By: Sheela Goh Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:14:57 +0000 In reply to Liyana Aris.

I enjoy your posts, Liyana, and I’m not saying that because we’re both Malaysians 🙂 it’s refreshing to read and see how style is viewed from your slightly-more-modest-than-the-average-woman perspective. It also helps that you’re so goofy 🙂 I’m a new fan. On the matter of increasing the frequency of posts, it’s tough. I work full-time, albeit from home (that’s actually harder than working out of an office, I’ve discovered). I have three teenage children. A husband. And this blog. Throw in distractions and responsibilities, and it’s truly arduous trying to keep up. I used to measure success by the number of posts I could churn out. I no longer do (or try not to). Instead, I measure it by number of views and reads. That helps me discern which topics my readers prefer and gives me a boost of encouragement too 🙂

By: Sheela Goh Sun, 26 Oct 2014 00:52:28 +0000 In reply to Ann Krembs.

I’ve actually stopped trying to gauge the best time to publish a post because my WordPress site stats only tell me which days of the week have the highest views/reads. I’ve sent a request to the support team so fingers crossed. For the interim, I publish posts as and when I’m done 🙂
