Comments on: Is Fashion Blogging Broken? 5 Issues Hurting Bloggers Independent Fashion Bloggers Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:46:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Andy Z Sun, 29 Sep 2013 21:17:41 +0000 I agree. The fashion blogging arena is saturated and it’s very competitive, but if you keep up you good work, it’s gonna be ok.

By: Claudia Sun, 25 Aug 2013 07:22:56 +0000 Thanks for this article. I found it very helpful to see what this world is becoming, and using it as sort if an outline of what not to turn into. I just started blogging about a month ago, and I find it fun and a great way to say what is on my mind and show off my fashion. I yet to have followers/comments/whatever, but I figure that it will grow in time as I learn how to blog more efficently. I don’t want loose myself or my style in the process. Thanks again for the article, I got alot from it.

By: Miradactiva Sun, 25 Aug 2013 00:20:38 +0000 Great post! I started blogging 5 years ago, with my average camera walking up and down Buenos Aires streets looking for indie design expresions and things that really seemed appealing to me. It was a way to expose my mind to people and it opened great doors to me but none of them offered money to pay my bills.
I felt the presure of local comunity, I started attending to events and had no money to stay in the fashionable blogging way of dressing and to be honest I started to feel I was loosing my true sight. Because of these two factors I quit and now I’m comming back just because I missed it and I’m realizing how different is everything. Feels like bloggers turned into little “indie” sponsored fashion magazines.

By: Eshna Wed, 07 Aug 2013 08:56:36 +0000 I have been blogging for about a year and a half. And I believe fashion is a very large area. I mean beauty,personal style,runway trends etc. And hence there are blogs with different themes. So I find it really difficult to understand why anyone would be against Outfit Posts. Outfit Posts demand a lot of hard work,mine is a tropical country,me and my photographer(my sister) sweat like pigs while doing a shoot. And yes after a point I feel like its taking too much of my time. But honestly my readers prefer OOTD’s over SS’13 post etc.

By: Julie Tue, 30 Jul 2013 15:55:47 +0000 In reply to Lexi.

Agreed, and I refrain from commenting on blogs often because I’m afraid they’re going to think I’m just trying to get exposure. I started a little blog this year because it gives me a creative outlet and as long as I remember why I started it, not getting comments or likes doesn’t affect the joy it brings me.

By: Andrea Altahona Corvacho Sun, 28 Jul 2013 22:28:37 +0000 I am blogger for 2 years, but certainly the boom blogger in my country Colombia, happened last year. As a result of the boom of opinion blogger in my country, I could interact virtually with many of them (mostly) and created a community. We support it because everyone has a different approach to fashion.

By: Ana Volta Wed, 24 Jul 2013 21:17:50 +0000 Well,
I have been blogging for about +4 years, and it´s not easy, even in México, where fashion bloggin just started (well like 3 1/2 years ago).

The thing here is, that there´re to many rising blogs, and frew brands that have trust on this kind of advertising, so everybody wants to be hot, and to be “it” so… We, everybody write, do, and go to the same stuff, so we have almost the same result.

Are we doing cool stuff? NO. So, i just stopped blogging and right away finding the way to a new blogging-stalking-promoting era.


By: Shaqinah Fakar Wed, 24 Jul 2013 06:09:35 +0000 In reply to Paula Shoe Fiend.

Tell me about it! You’re absolutely spot-on… I can’t stand “nice”, “cute” replies either!! Go the extra mile and add “very” while you’re at it (ceremonious comments), why don’t you?

By: Stephanie Dawn Sjoberg Wed, 24 Jul 2013 03:58:51 +0000 Amazingly true and realistic view of blogging. It’s HARD! It’s time consuming! And the added pressure from other bloggers to promote THEM instead of “how can we cross promote” is an added stress. (Constantly getting messages from people who want you to follow their blog BEFORE they even bother to follow or check out YOURS…is just plain ignorant, rude and self serving. The real deal…is that we want real viewers. (If we were all magazines…we do not want only other magazines to read us, right?) I’ve only got one other blog I’ve partnered with so far, and that’s been nice.
I decided to just be myself, and not be so neutral on issues I am passionate about, (such as relationships) and just come what may. I will build a post around a fabulous Forever 21 disk skirt that I got on sale for $11.99 if I feel it’s interesting, most people do not need to be spending $300 a week on clothing, so I decided to get creative on the price points and mix cheap with chic and hope people like my ideas. Whatever happens, happens but I decided to be my true self until the bitter end! LOL!

By: laura Wed, 24 Jul 2013 00:09:10 +0000 In reply to Liz.

Hi Liz I agree in your points and also totally relate so much about this
this is my trillion project i’ve made:
