Comments on: What I’ve Learned in 10 Years Posting OOTD Independent Fashion Bloggers Wed, 14 Feb 2024 11:00:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Simone Sat, 27 Jun 2015 15:51:46 +0000 I definitely agree with the engaging with readers part. If I come across a blog that is just photos of the outfit and nothing else, I don’t really feel connected, understand the person or their outfit choice and ultimately I don’t follow their blog. It’s never that memorable if there is nothing written on the post.
I always write something with my outfit of the day posts on my blog. I’m the same as you: it might be about why I chose that outfit or what I was doing that say. Either way, it makes the post more fun to write and hopefully more enjoyable for my readers!
Thanks for sharing your tips 🙂

By: Taylor D Fri, 13 Jun 2014 05:50:23 +0000 I’m surprised to read all these comments and find out that 1-3 photos are good enough! I always try to have 6 or 8 shots in my outfit posts, mostly because I can’t choose which ones to put up!

-xx Taylor

By: Carol @ Jolly Caucus Race Sun, 25 May 2014 22:30:31 +0000 I enjoy seeing a bit of a write-up beside outfit photos too.
There’s more substance to a post then rather than just putting up the pictures.
Clothes have functional peoperties too and it’s nice to find out where you wore the outfit to or what external elements affected your choice.

By: Lynne Kayenne Thu, 22 May 2014 00:41:55 +0000 Insighful post 🙂 I am Launching my blog in 4 days and this site has been my Blogging bible. I’ve found so many answers to my blogging queries on here 🙂 🙂

Please don’t hesitate to stop by at to say hello

By: riris Wed, 21 May 2014 10:45:37 +0000 be consistent is really hard for me.. But I always do my best as much as I can, I’m not posting OOTD reguraly, I try to post it once a month but still feeling hard. I agree with you to posting one or two our ootd, well.. read a blog with too many same photos are bored. I think, less photos with best quality is better. thank you for share this tips.


By: Amy J. Frost Tue, 20 May 2014 20:06:10 +0000 Wow. This is great. I am soooo guilty of posting too many photos — I guess. I was trying to give people a full visual, but maybe it’s overkill? I’ll have to get better at choosing.

I agree with Ashley. I really need a blog mentor. How does one find that?

By: Noemi Tue, 20 May 2014 15:46:42 +0000 You’re so right! I’m not a personal style blogger and I really can’t stand those post that show about 25 photos of an outfit, and most of all the time in the same position, and sometimes the photos are blurried! I like the photos by The Cherry Blossom Girl, also because she shows not only the clothes but also the landscapes and details.

By: Megan Doyle Tue, 20 May 2014 08:54:35 +0000 I have learnt a lot of lessons after posting outfit photos on my blog for about 2 years. Yes, I think that too many photos can bore people (and often comes across as a bit narcissistic to me) but I think the most important thing I’ve learnt is exactly what Grechen said- if you want a job done well, do it yourself! I now solely use a tripod and remote control to take any outfit posts after months of having to nag family and friends to help me, only to be unhappy with the results! Always so much more rewarding being able to say you’ve literally done everything including take the photos. I find I’m also looking noticeably more comfortable in images when I don’t have a photographer. I suppose learning from your mistakes is all part of the experience!


By: Elena Mon, 19 May 2014 16:54:02 +0000 I agree, posting 2-3 photos but good quality is enough. I think people will get tired of scrolling down and seeing same photos over and over again.
Thank you so much for sharing your great tips with us!

By: Cat Mon, 19 May 2014 08:57:00 +0000 you are gorgeous and you have wonderful taste in clothes. You carry it with such elegance and ease. I would love for you to check out our GLASSWORKS DRESS by Bless’ed Are The Meek (see below) from StyleCloset. I think it would look smashing on you. Thanks so much for your thoughts. i really enjoy reading your blog and checking out your pictures. cheers! 😀
