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Daily Inspiration: Independence is Happiness

independence happiness failure impossible


Happy 4th of July! Here in the US, it's Independence Day… which usually means a day off, fireworks, something off the grill… hamburgers or veggie dogs.

I usually like to reflect on what it means to be independent. This quote by Susan B. Anthony, “Independence is happiness” often strikes true in my own life more often than not. Granted, it's not the same “independence” she spoke of in regards to civil rights, but in how becoming an entrepreneur with my blogs and having the ability to shape my own career and lifestyle has enabled me to be independent in ways I could not have imagined. It has translated to a happier life. Independence, often means more responsibility, but the trade off is that you can always go in the direction you want, especially if it's towards the uncharted territory of your dreams.

[Quote source]

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